w is for wooden snowpeople

snow people heads - 18

more thrifted wooden pieces.

snow people heads - 01 by you.

first was painting them with glue (it looked like icing!) with any brush you choose.

snow people heads - 02 by you.snow people heads - 03 by you.

then rolling them in tiny snips of white paper.

snow people heads - 04 by you.snow people heads - 05 by you.snow people heads - 06 by you.snow people heads - 07 by you.snow people heads - 08 by you.

then letting them dry.

snow people heads - 10 by you.

then having to get them off the paper that they dried on.

snow people heads - 11

if hitting doesn’t work, then use a paintbrush to get it off (harder than it seems…and funnier).

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then some pipe cleaner nose bending, pipe cleaner eye choosing, green scarf cutting

2" snow people by you.

and some teacher hot gluing.

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the conversations were fun to hear.  a  favorite comment heard, “i bet i could keep this in my room with the door locked and it wouldn’t melt!”
